Singing Guide: Kenny Wayne Shepherd

Singing Guide: Kenny Wayne Shepherd

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Kenny Wayne Shepherd: How to Sing Like Him

Kenny Wayne Shepherd is a celebrated blues guitarist, songwriter, and singer. He had a knack for music since an early age, and his unique style has been the talk of many music enthusiasts. If you want to learn how to sing like Kenny, you have to develop an ear for the blues and have a profound appreciation of rock. Here are steps to follow if you want to sing like Kenny Wayne Shepherd.

Step 1: Vocal Analysis

The first step towards singing like Kenny Wayne Shepherd is analyzing your voice. Use the Singing Carrots Vocal Range Test to determine your vocal range. After the analysis, choose a song with a range within your limits but not limited to them. Check out examples like Blue on Black and Come on Over. Listen to his live performances and note his phrasing and vocal approach. You can also use the Vocal Pitch Monitor to observe his techniques.

Step 2: Master Your Techniques

You need to learn blues and rock singing techniques to sing like Kenny Wayne Shepherd. Check out the Singing Carrots breathing and warm-up exercises to improve your breath control. Improve your articulation and dynamics by practicing the Singing Carrots Articulation exercises. Listen to the way Kenny bends notes and study his vibrato technique.

Step 3: Practice with Songs

Select a few Kenny Wayne Shepherd songs like Blue on Black, Ain't selling out, and True Lies. Use Singing Carrots' vocal pitch monitor to track your pitch accuracy. Record yourself singing the songs to identify your weak areas and correct them.

Step 4: Learn from Experts

The Singing Carrots website offers a plethora of articles and training videos to improve your singing. Brush up on your singing theory with the Singing Course, which has over 21 lessons. Watch the videos and learn about vocal registers & breakthrough, and chest voice techniques.

Step 5: Grow Your Voice

Improve your voice by increasing your vocal range, power, and flexibility. Use Singing Carrots Pitch Training to expand your pitch range, improve your resonance, and learn how to use your voice over a range of volumes. Keep practicing, and you’ll soon be singing like Kenny Wayne Shepherd.


Learning to sing like Kenny Wayne Shepherd requires practice and dedication. Analyze your voice, master your techniques, and practice with songs. Learn from experts, grow your voice, and keep practicing. With the right approach, you can be sure that you'll be singing like Kenny Wayne Shepherd in no time.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.